Will Kelowna continue to float above the pack?

Kelowna will be defending its title Thursday in the “Best of the Best” Tap Water Taste Test Challenge.

  • May. 27, 2015 4:00 p.m.

Kelowna will be defending its title Thursday in the “Best of the Best” Tap Water Taste Test Challenge.

The city will go head to head on home turf with more than ten other municipal and regional district water entries vying for the esteemed designation and bragging rights for top tap offering.

This is the second annual event where, during the BC Water and Waste Associations’ Conference, a panel of selected “aqualiers” will sample and judge water on stage in front of all delegates to evaluate water based on appearance, aroma, taste, mouth feel, aftertaste, and overall impression.

In the wake of last year’s watery win,  Kelowna Utility Services Manager Kevin Van Vliet attributed success to the city’s infrastructure.

“It’s gratifying when all our investments in innovative water treatment technology through the years results in recognition for our clear, great tasting drinking water. We need to also give credit to the waste water treatment process we have that returns clean effluent to our drinking water source – Okanagan Lake,” said  Van Vliet, at the time.

The contest was held to raise awareness about the value of water. Most Canadians take for granted that when they turn on their taps, fresh water will appear, and when they flush their toilets it will disappear, without giving much thought to the network of infrastructure and the people that make this happen.

RBC’s 2014 Canadian Water Attitudes Survey indicates that less than one-third of Canadians know where their drinking water comes from, and fewer than 1 in 5 are aware of the condition of their water infrastructure. The BC Water & Waste Association is working to raise awareness about the value of water to ensure that there is public support for the investment that will be needed over the next decade to ensure that future generations will also enjoy clean, safe water.

The competitors:

City of Kamloops

City of Nelson

City of Kelowna

Rutland Waterworks District

City of Penticton

Regional District of North Okanagan

City of Chilliwack

Village of Harrison Hot Springs

Village of Radium Hot Springs

District of Squamish

Clearbrook Water District

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