The Williams Lake owner of Computer Access Center is warning business owners to check in, even if they are closed, as he arrived at work to discover his door lock had been removed. (Photo submitted)

The Williams Lake owner of Computer Access Center is warning business owners to check in, even if they are closed, as he arrived at work to discover his door lock had been removed. (Photo submitted)

Williams Lake business discovers front door lock removed

Even if business are closed due to COVID-19, they need to check buildings: Nick Sardy

A Williams Lake business owner was recently surprised to find a hole in his door where the lock should have been, but relieved nothing was stolen.

Nick Sardy, owner of the Computer Access Centre on Third Avenue South told the Tribune he’s had the business for 29 years this fall and nothing like this has ever happened before.

As for the fact nothing was stolen, he wondered if the suspect(s) were scared off because someone came by.

He wants to warn other businesses, especially because many are closed right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If you are a business that is closed you should by and check your place regularly.”

Williams Lake RCMP Sgt. Jason Pole confirmed Thursday that to date, Sardy’s was the only report of a lock being removed from a door police had received.

Sardy’s business remains open as he’s getting lots of calls from people needing computer support or service, however, with no customers coming into the store, he is watching a lot of TV.

Read more: Williams Lake RCMP launch online crime reporting tool to free up officers during pandemic

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