Williams Lake City Council may amend sign bylaw

At a special meeting Sept. 5, city council gave the first three readings to amending its sign bylaw.

At a special meeting Sept. 5, city council gave the first three readings to amending its sign bylaw with requirements around the Cariboo theme.

If adopted, the bylaw amendment will require “voluntary” compliance, rather than mandatory compliance, as it refers to the Cariboo theme, for signs under $30,000.

Council also passed a motion to give the public the opportunity to comment for or against the bylaw amendment, prior to its final adoption at the Sept. 18 regular council meeting.

In a report to council, city planning technician Chris Hutton said prior to the current sign bylaw’s adoption in Spring 2012, considerable efforts were made to consult with the business community.

“No objections were raised with respect to bringing the sign bylaw into conformance with the current Official Community Plan,” Hutton said.

Since then, however, the city received a written complaint about the Cariboo theme requirement from Kerry Gustafson, owner of Gustafson’s Chrysler Jeep in Williams Lake.

Gustafson told the Tribune he didn’t agree with the requirement.

“I don’t know why the Cariboo theme has to apply to signs. When it comes to national brands there isn’t any way to comply with the Cariboo theme,” Gustafson said.

Williams Lake Tribune