Williams Lake city council is interested in acquiring the former Poplar Glade School property on Eleventh Avenue. (Greg Sabatino photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake city council sets sights on two former school properties

School District said there is a five-step process for property disposal

Williams Lake city council is eyeing two former school priorities within city boundaries.

During the Tuesday, Feb. 23, regular meeting council discussed a report from a Feb. 9 in-camera meeting where council voted in favour of letting the public know council hope to acquire the properties of the Poplar Glade School on Eleventh Avenue North and Glendale School on Mackenzie Avenue North.

Both School District 27 and the provincial government will be made aware of council’s interest, said Mayor Walt Cobb.

“The Poplar Glade site would be great for housing such as condos or townhouses. The Glendale area has great park land and the theatre is there and maybe an arts centre or something could be developed there,” Cobb told the Tribune.

In 2020, the Poplar Glade site was one of the surplus district-owned properties identified by the school district to sell.

Read more: School trustees seek ministry approval to sell several district-owned, surplus properties

“The district is currently waiting for permission to dispose of the property at the former Poplar Glade site, once permission is obtained next steps will be determined,” said Carrie Pratt, SD27 executive assistant and manager of communications Tuesday.

While the district has approval from the Ministry of Education to dispose of Glendale it has no plans to proceed with disposal at this time, she added.

There is a five-step process the district must follow that includes board approval, public consultation, ministry approval, public tender and sale of property.

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