Williams Lake fire dept. helps Hudson’s Hope

Williams Lake fire department returned Monday from helping protect the community of Hudson’s Hope from wildfire.

Five firefighters and a unit trailer from the Williams Lake fire department returned Monday from helping protect the community of Hudson’s Hope from the 160-square-kilometre Mount McAllister wildfire.

“Our structural protection crew was contracted to help the Wildfire Management Branch get ahead of the wildfire there,” Fire Chief Des Webster said.

The crew left Williams Lake on July 16 with enough heavy equipment to protect 30 buildings using water.

Webster said their efforts helped, coupled with the fact the weather changed and the area received some rain.

The Williams Lake crew was one of two sent to help Hudson’s Hope, the other was a private contractor from the Okanagan.

“They don’t usually get the local fire department to do that, especially if it’s outside their fire district,” Webster explained.

“We are trained and equipped to be able to get ahead of the fire and if needs be put sprinklers on buildings and homes. If the fire does encroach upon the buildings then they are already wet or the humidity is so high around them that the fire goes right around them.”

The unit has been in place for several years and even before acquiring the trailer, the crew attended to help other communities.


Williams Lake Tribune