A Williams Lake piano tuner had his tools stolen over the weekend, including a tuning hammer as seen in the foreground. (Kevin Epp photo)

A Williams Lake piano tuner had his tools stolen over the weekend, including a tuning hammer as seen in the foreground. (Kevin Epp photo)

Williams Lake piano tuner’s tools stolen from his vehicle

Public asked to keep an eye out, tools were inside two black bags with shoulder straps

A piano tuner in Williams Lake is asking the public to keep an eye out for his tools after they were stolen from his vehicle some time overnight Saturday, June 6.

Kevin Epp, whose Midnight Drive home backs onto the Dairy Fields, said the tools are a ‘weird collection of odds and ends’ almost like dental instruments and were inside two black bags.

“One was an old laptop bag and I’m wondering if the person who took them thought it was a laptop,” Epp told the Tribune Tuesday.

Epp works for the City of Williams Lake and tunes pianos in his spare time, which he has been doing for eight years.

He grew up in Williams Lake and attended the University of Western Ontario for the piano technology program.

On Saturday he returned home after tuning a piano and getting some groceries. He figures he forgot to lock the vehicle.

The tools are valued at about $2,000.

After Epp posted the loss on his Facebook page, a semi-retired piano tuner from Maple Ridge contacted him and is going to mail Epp a bunch of his excess tools to tide him over until he can start replacing the stolen ones.

“I just have to pay for the shipping,” Epp said.

He did tune one piano on Monday evening, using what tools he had available, but said he does not have the tools he needs for tuning an upright piano.

“I’m almost more annoyed the tools will probably get chucked than the fact they were stolen,” Epp said.

Anyone with information can contact him through Facebook or at 250-267-8177.

“I would gladly pay a reward to get them back,” he added.

Read more: Auto theft, theft from vehicles increased in 2020: Williams Lake RCMP stats

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