Williams Lake RCMP Const. Vandenberk and Const. Klassen attend a minor vehicle incident downtown Wednesday. Angie Mindus photos

Williams Lake RCMP Const. Vandenberk and Const. Klassen attend a minor vehicle incident downtown Wednesday. Angie Mindus photos

Williams Lake RCMP go pink to support kids

Officers in lakecity go about their day, attending accidents and giving talks, on Pink Shirt Day 2018

Williams Lake students and teachers aren’t the only ones wearing pink today to counter cyberbullying.

Williams Lake RCMP officers are also making the statement that bullying can’t be tolerated by wearing pink shirts Wednesday as part of their uniforms to mark Pink Shirt Day 2018.

The theme of this year’s bullying prevention day is Nice Needs No Filter, which focuses on online bullying and urging everyone to spread kindness instead on the World Wide Web.

Cyberbullying can range from sending threats via text messaging to using social media to embarrass or exclude someone.

In the lakecity Wednesday, Const. Vandenberk and Const. Klassen attended a minor vehicle incident at the intersection of Oliver Street and Third Avenue.

The two officers were definitely drawing looks from passing motorists as they worked the scene downtown wearing their bright pink shirts.

Other officers, such as Staff Sgt. Del Byron, are visiting schools to talk to children about how to deal with bullying and to encourage them to not bully others.

Read more: Nice needs no filler

Insp. Jeff Pelley of the Williams Lake RCMP said he and his officers are proud to wear pink on anti-bullying day.

“The whole on-shift detachment is wearing pink uniform shirts for the day,” Pelley said, noting Cpl. Johansson and police dog Grimm also participated in anti-bullying presentations at three local elementary schools; Chilcotin Road, Mountview and Marie Sharpe elementary schools.

“Even Grimm wore his own pink shirt as he absolutely supports standing up to prevent bullying.”

Williams Lake Tribune