The city of Williams Lake call for inquiry into the sentencing of prolific and repeat offenders is gaining support from other communities. (Monica Lamb-Yorski photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Williams Lake’s call for prolific offender inquiry gaining traction

A resolution on the issue was passed at NCLGA, other councils write letters of support

Support is coming in for the city of Williams Lake’s call for stronger sentencing of prolific and repeat offenders.

A resolution from the city on the topic was endorsed at the recent North Central Local Government Association convention held virtually in May.

Additionally, support letters have been received from the city of Nanaimo and the villages of Alert Bay and Montrose.

“Your poignant letter brings to the forefront the ongoing failures of the Canadian Justice System to keep these prolific offenders off the streets for a longer period of time rather than the current ‘slap on the wrist,'” wrote Alert Bay Mayor Dennis Buchanan.

Nanaimo mayor Leonard Krog said city council unanimously passed a motion to support the mayor of Williams Lake by sending a letter to the Solicitor General, Attorney General and the B.C. premier requesting a public inquiry into the justice system to determine why so many prolific offenders with serious charges are constantly released by into the communities with ineffective deterrents to re-offend and to call for action to protect communities.

“The majority of offenders suffer from mental health and addictions,” Krog noted. “Stronger sentencing with collaborative supportive service resources will provide offenders with the best opportunity for reintegration and minimizing criminal behaviour.”

Mayor Walt Cobb said during the regular meeting May 11 he has also received phone calls supporting the city’s stance.

Read more: Williams Lake calls for public inquiry into release of prolific offenders

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