Winner Jordan Tostevin is seen pictured with his new snowboard and Edge of the World owner, Greg Barrow. Photo Submitted

Winner Jordan Tostevin is seen pictured with his new snowboard and Edge of the World owner, Greg Barrow. Photo Submitted

Winner takes home snowboard in annual Rock Paper Scissors competition

Jordan Tostevin, a visitor from the United Kingdom won this year's competition

  • Feb. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

On Thursday, February 13 there was a packed house at Edge of the World for their twenty first annual Rock, Paper, Scissors competition. This was the biggest year yet with a crowd of all ages starting as young as two years old participating.

The set up of the event starts with everyone lining up and facing off against each other two at a time. If you win you proceed to the next rounds until only two contestants are remaining. The championship round is played up on the platform for all to watch and cheer on.

The final two were asked how they trained for this moment before proceeding to play in the championship.

The winner, Jordan Tostevin from Guernsey (UK) answered, “just be British.” Jordan who is in Fernie for the season with Non-Stop Ski, had his pick of a new snowboard for winning the event.

According to the World Rock Paper Scissors Association, rock paper scissors is the oldest hand game ever played. The earliest form of hand game originated in China called shoushiling. The form of rock paper scissors we now play by, most resembles the Japanese game Janken. Rock paper scissors is a universal game that is played around the world. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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