Winning candidates in trustee race spent relatively low amounts

Low spender was Rod Ross, at $484.55, Megan Dykeman topped spending, at $6,382.99.

  • Mar. 10, 2015 5:00 p.m.

The seven candidates who won seats on Langley Board of Education did so with relatively low campaign budgets.

The biggest spender was Megan Dykeman, who spent $6,382.99. She was also the candidate with the most in outside contributions. Various arms of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) donated $2,250 to her campaign, with $1,500 coming from CUPE BC and another $500 from local 403 of CUPE, which represents Langley Township outside workers.

She also donated $2,788.02 to her campaign, and made a $1,020 loan to it as well.

The lowest spender was longtime trustee Rod Ross, who spent $484.55 of his own money on his campaign, and claimed an additional expenditure of $700 in reusing past campaign signs.

New trustee Shelley Coburn, who won one of the two Langley City seats, raised $1,880 and spent $1,867.07. She received a $250 donation from Education Minister Peter Fassbender, her former father-in-law and grandfather of her two sons.

New trustee David Tod raised $2,350 and spent $2,100 on his campaign. He spent $1,500 of his own money and had a $300 donation from Angela Gedye, who donated to numerous Langley Township campaigns.

Rob McFarlane spent $3,452.18 of his own money. Alison McVeigh spentĀ  $1,845.03 of her on money.

New trustee Rosemary Wallace, who jumped from Langley City council to win a Township seat on the board, raised $1,575 and spent $1,702.42. She had a $1,000 donation from Maria Martini, and received $200 from Langley City Mayor Ted Schaffer.

Langley Times