Winter parking a potential issue at South Star trails

Organizers advise users to park on the north side of 53rd St. at trail head of popular backcountry area.

  • Dec. 1, 2015 5:00 p.m.

For the Townsman

The South Star Trail Recreation Site continues to be a popular 4 season area for hiking, biking, horseback riding and (snow conditions permitting) cross country skiing.

Managed in partnership with Recreation Sites and Trails BC, the area provides a trail system which is maintained and improved by volunteer members of the South Star Recreation Society.

This year we have been able to remove large amounts of dead pine, replace a bridge, and improve drainage to prevent trail damage in the spring runoff.

Trail grooming for skiing covers about 60% of the trails.  We are able to track set many trails, while others are graded only.

A loop has been designated for those who wish to ski with dogs (we request that dogs not be taken on track set trails) and the Kinnikvnnick snowshoe trail is also dog friendly.

As mentioned above, all of the work is done by volunteers. Expenses are covered by donations, memberships in the society, and some grant money for specific projects. Occasional trail users may deposit a townie in the box at the trailhead.

Memberships in the Society are available by filling out a form from the wooden box at the trailhead, and a brochure with a map and important information is also available there.  We appreciate the support of about 75 families and individuals.

The South Star Recreation Society is having its AGM on Wed., Dec 2, 2015 in room 205 at the College of the Rockies at 7:30 PM.  Anyone is welcome, however only members may vote for resolutions and in elections for the Board of Directors.

We have vacancies available on the Board if you are interested in becoming involved.   We hope that this winter will bring better ski conditions than last year!! Hope springs eternal in the hearts and minds of skiers and snowshoers.

We wish to bring to the attention of all winter users a problem which we have had with parking over the last several years. On most days there is ample room for parking on 38th Avenue, however on weekends and holidays when the snow is good, vehicles spill out  onto 53rd St.  and park on both sides of the road.

This narrows the roadway to the point where a single car or pickup can barely get through.  Valid concerns have been raised by residents that if an emergency vehicle such as an ambulance or fire truck were needed it would be blocked by parked cars.

For this reason, please park on the north side of 52rd St. only. There is a section of 53rd St. west of 38th avenue which will accommodate vehicles on the shoulder, and I am told that Main Road will plough this area during the winter.

If vehicles are on one side of the road it should eliminate the problem.    We hope you enjoy the trails this winter. We have a facebook page (South Star Recreation Society) if you wish to share your experiences.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman