Winter roads reminder

RCMP commander wants motorists to be safe, drive to roads conditions

  • Nov. 6, 2014 8:00 a.m.

Around 5:37 a.m. on Oct. 28, a single-vehicle incident occurred on Highway 97 just north of town at the rail bridge.

The cause of the collision was icy/frosty road conditions.

This incident is a reminder, that as we continue into the winter season, driving patterns need to reflect the changing road conditions, says 100 Mile House RCMP Staff/Sgt. Blake Ward.

While snow may not be visible on the ground in some places, he adds it still goes to show that ice and frosty roads can cause a loss of traction in the ever decreasing temperatures.

“Change up those tires if you haven’t already to tires bearing either the mountain snowflake or M&S designations and drive at a safe speed for the roads and temperatures.

Some things to get the brain thinking:

• The RCMP, as well as all emergency services workers, Interior Roads and highways workers, responds every year to numerous collisions during winter. Last winter between Nov. 1, 2013 and April 1, 2014 there were 33 collisions resulting in injuries and one fatal collision in the 100 Mile House area.

• The vast majority of these collisions can directly be related to winter road conditions and drivers not driving appropriately to those road conditions.

• The costs to the public more then doubles when a collision results in injuries due to the increased required response – ambulance, fire department, hospitals, road/highway workers, etc.

• Just because the sign says 80, 100 or whichever speed limit, doesn’t mean you should go that fast. The signs are posted speed limits for ideal road conditions.

“As we go into this winter, please be conscious of the weather and temperatures. Don’t just rely on visible snow/ice to be an indicator of the slippery roads, often you won’t see it coming.

“Please be aware of the type and condition of your vehicle/tires and take steps to give yourself the best chance to get through winter collision free.

The sanding and efforts of road/highway maintenance and emergency services are huge steps in safe roads, Blake says.

He adds the onus falls on the public to acknowledge and drive appropriately this winter as well.

“The last thing we want to have happen is see these statistics increase, or worse, us, as the RCMP, showing up on anyone’s door step to inform of a family member lost due to someone not paying attention to what Mother Nature is telling them.

“Drive and be safe this winter.”


100 Mile House Free Press