Sean Smyth put his name forward for the 2021 municipal by-election for city council and after preliminary results are in, he received the most votes. Photo provided

With preliminary results in, Sean Smyth gets most votes in Campbell River byelection

More than doubles second place holder Ken Blackburn

With preliminary results in, Sean Smyth has garnered the most votes in Saturday’s municipal byelection in Campbell River.

Smyth has 1,003 total votes; more than doubling his nearest competitor, Ken Blackburn who had 477 total votes.

The rest of the preliminary results as posted on the City of Campbell River’s website are:

Laurel Sliskovic – 421

Kealy Donaldson – 182

Wes Roed – 166

Douglas Chapman – 106

Devon Garat – 70

Stephen Jewell – 14

The total number of valid votes cast is 2,439.

These preliminary results are based on the ballot accounts prepared at each of the voting places and are are subject to determination of official election results by the Chief Election Officer Ell Brovold.

Campbell River Mirror