Up to 15 centimetres of snow is forecasted in the Okanagan Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020. (File photo)

Up to 15 centimetres of snow is forecasted in the Okanagan Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020. (File photo)

With snow expected, Penticton reminds locals of road clearing procedures

It can take the city up to 48 hours to clear some locations

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With the first snow of the year expected tonight (Oct. 22), the City of Penticton is reminding residents of road clearing priorities.

READ MORE: Special weather statement in effect for Okanagan Valley

READ MORE: How to stay safe on the roads this winter in the Okanagan

Road clearing is broken down into priority one, two and three categories. The city will clear roads in the following order.

Priority one roads:

  • Major collectors: main routes serving as connectors/collectors between areas and routes
  • Steep grades: hilly terrain with high traffic volumes
  • School zones: serving as routes to access school
  • Roads serving emergency routes to hospitals and fire equipment
  • Major transit routes: serving the majority of transit users

Priority 2 Roads:

  • Collectors (remainder of)
  • Main industrial routes
  • Minor transit routes

Priority 3 Roads:

  • The remainder of the routes in the city, typically local roads

It can take the city approximately 48 hours to reach residential streets and cul-de-sacs from the time it stops snowing.

If snow falls again within that time, crews must return to streets with higher priority first.

READ MORE: Snow flurries forecasted for the Okanagan this weekend

READ MORE: It looks like an interesting winter folks

jesse.day@pentictonwesternnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Penticton Western News