WL&DWI February and March 2016 report

Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute members busy

By Lynda Krupp

The Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute (WI) February meeting celebrated our founder’s birthday with a marvelous gluten-free cake made by Karin Forbes.

Our founder, Adelaide Hunter Hoodless, has been called one of the most famous Canadian women. However, she is one of the most obscure because she is known with such familiarity in some circles, yet completely unknown in others.

From humble beginnings, Adelaide was born on Feb, 27, 1857. Her public life began after she became a wife and mother.

It was instigated by a tragic event: her fourth child died at the tender age of 14 months. Adelaide was devastated and seemingly blaming herself for this tragedy, Adelaide’s campaign sought to raise the level of education for girls and to put supports in place for women so they might safeguard their families.

Her legacy is far-reaching. She is credited as a co-founder of the Women’s Institute, the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), the National Council of Women and the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON).

She was also a powerful force behind the formation of three faculties of Household Science. She achieved national recognition in her 20 years of public life. She died in 1910, one day short of her 53rd birthday.

We were delighted to approve an excellent bursary application from Alex Forbes, grandson of Life Member Karin Forbes, who joined our WI in 1970.

Further donations were approved and sent to the Queen Alexander Hospital, Clinton 4-H Club, 100 Mile & District General Hospital Auxiliary and Royal Inland Hospital.

We continued planning the WI District Convention, which will be attended by all branches within the District. In addition to WI business, we will serve our guests a lunch, with afternoon entertainment. Door prizes will be awarded at the end of the day.

Our March meeting at the home of Helen Eagle will be a pie-making marathon to augment home baking for the Easter Bake Sale, followed by a quick lunch and meeting.

Our next meeting is April 23 at Watch Lake Community Hall, hosting the District Convention.

Lynda Krupp is a Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute director.


100 Mile House Free Press