A wolverine caught on one of Wolverine Watch’s trail cams. (Wolverine Watch)

Wolverine Watch needs help identifying a carcass

More information will aid the groups' wolverine research

  • Apr. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Wolverine Watch needs your help.

In 2019, or earlier, someone found a wolverine carcass near Revelstoke and submitted it to the Ministry of Forests.

Unfortunately the label attached to her is lacking important information that researcher Mirjam Barrueto needs to incorporate the DNA from the carcass into her research.

“All info on (female) wolverines is valuable to us,” she said in a social media post.

READ MORE: Watch out for wolverines when backcountry touring

Barrueto is reaching out, hoping to get in touch with the person who collected the body in order to find out where the wolverine was found, when and whether there is any information on the cause of death.

“She was in good shape and in her summer pelage,” Barrueto said. “Based on her light injuries, she may have been hit by a vehicle, but it’s not very clear.”

Contact Barrueto at mirjam.barrueto@ucalgary.ca if you have any information.

Barrueto is part of a University of Calgary-led study looking at wolverines throughout the Columbia and Rocky Mountains. The project uses remote cameras and hair snagging to examine the effects of human activities, such as logging and snowmobiling on breeding female wolverines.

READ MORE: VIDEO: The secret lives of wolverines

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