Wolves attacking Prince Rupert pets

BC Conservation urges residents to be cautious, proactive

  • May. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

BC Conservation is urging Prince Rupert-area residents to keep a close eye on their pets following increased wolf activity in the past two weeks.

CO Mike Geuze said the Terrace office has responded to reports of sightings and attacks on both cats and dogs. Some pets have gone missing and a few have been confirmed killed.

This time of year Conservation routinely asks the public to remove wildlife attractants to minimize the risk of bear encounters, and is again asking the public to take added precautions for wolves, which are especially attracted to pet food.

READ MORE: ‘Critically low’ caribou population prompts wolf cull in the Chilcotin

“It’s not uncommon to see wolves in Prince Rupert, but now its escalated,” Geuze said. “Almost all of the calls have involved pets. Make sure your pets are on a leash if your taking them for a walk, and bring them indoors at night. We’ve been in the area quite a bit and see a lot of cats and dogs roaming around.”

If you sight a wolf you are asked to call the BC Conservation RAAP Line at 1-877-952-7277 or #7277 on the Telus Mobility Network.

The Northern View