Woman wants to dump on the back road dumpers

Concerned the situation will worsen when the Campbell River landfill reaches capacity

A Campbell River woman wants to dump on the dumpers — and get them some well-deserved notoriety.

Kathleen Sharpe, tired of people using the outdoors as a dumping ground, has created a Facebook page dubbed Shame the Logging Road Dumpers. The goal is to let people know she and other group members are seeing the litter.

They hope the website garners the ‘dumpers’ the publicity needed to make them stop littering roads.

“It’s everybody’s backyard,” Sharpe said. “This doesn’t stop with one little thing…The next thing you know it’s a fridge and a couch and it just becomes more and more.”

She started the site to bring attention to what’s going on in the backroads in and around mid-Island communities. Sharpe, is concerned the situation will worsen when the Campbell River landfill reaches capacity.

“I’m out there all the time,” Sharpe said. “What gets me is a lot of it is free to dump, but they still seem to think that it’s cheaper to drive their $45,000 diesel truck down a bad logging road and dump it, and incur a $10,000 fine inside B.C. Parks.”

Campbell River Mirror