Castlegar Courthouse. File photo

Castlegar Courthouse. File photo

Woman who attacked two Castlegar teens at home pleads guilty

Sasha Prokaski was arrested after breaking into a home in February 2021

A woman who entered a Castlegar home and attacked two teenagers has pled guilty to two assault charges.

Sasha Prokaski was arrested after breaking into a residence and stabbing the pair of victims on Feb. 21, 2021. The teens lived despite receiving multiple wounds.

Prokaski was originally charged with two counts of attempt to commit murder, two counts of uttering threats and one count of break and enter.

In Castlegar Provincial Court on May 24, Prokaski agreed to guilty pleas on two lesser counts that include aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.

Her next hearing is Aug. 24 in Castlegar, during which a psychiatric report will be presented.

READ MORE: Castlegar teen recounts stabbing after stranger breaks into grandmother’s house