Writing contest deadline Monday

Get out your pens and colouring pencils and put on your winter thinking caps.

  • Nov. 17, 2011 2:00 p.m.

Get out your pens and colouring pencils and put on your winter thinking caps.

The deadline for the Tribune’s 27th annual Spirit of Christmas creative writing contest is fast approaching.

To be eligible for a prize, entries must be no longer than 1,200 words and must adhere to the Christmas spirit theme with a clear and original story line. Entries must be typed or neatly written and double spaced; may also be illustrated with the entrant’s original drawings or photographs; and must be e-mailed to editor@wltribune.com or dropped off at the Tribune office at 188 North First Ave. by Nov. 21 at 5 p.m.. Judging will be done by the Tribune editorial staff.

Everyone is eligible to enter, with the exception of the Tribune staff and professional writers.  There are three categories in which to enter: ages six to 9; ages 10 to 14; and ages 15 and older. The winners must agree to have a photograph taken for publication purposes.

Honourable mentions may also be published.

Williams Lake Tribune