Riders in the Xeni Gwet’in Youth and Elders Wagon Trip will make their way around a bend on a dirt road while travelling from Nemiah Valley to Williams Lake.

Riders in the Xeni Gwet’in Youth and Elders Wagon Trip will make their way around a bend on a dirt road while travelling from Nemiah Valley to Williams Lake.

Xeni Gwet’in Wagon Trip starts Friday

The Sixth Annual Xeni Gwet’in Youth and Elders Wagon Trip gets underway today, Friday, June 20.

  • Jun. 20, 2014 8:00 p.m.

Gailene William

Special to the Tribune

The Sixth Annual Xeni Gwet’in Youth and Elders Wagon Trip gets underway today, Friday, June 20.

The trip sees participants travel by horseback, wagon and iron horse from Nemiah Valley to Williams Lake.

Organizers Jimmy and June Lulua started the trip with the Xeni youth in June, 2009.

Each night the group will be camping at different locations, except for two nights on the 22nd and the 23rd, the group will rest an extra day in Big Creek.

• June 20 the group will leave Konni Lake Beach and arrive at Seymour Draw.

• June 21 the group will travel from Seymour Draw to Vedan Ranch.

• June 22 they travel from the Vedan Ranch to the Big Creek school grounds.

• June 23 is a rest day.

• June 24 the group will leave the Big Creek school grounds and travel to Sugar Cane Jacks.

• June 25 will see the group travel from Sugar Cane Jacks to Farwell Canyon.

• June 26 the group will travel from Farwell Canyon to Meldrum Creek.

• June 27 the group will leave Farwell Canyon and arrive in Williams Lake just in time for the second rodeo performance of the 88th annual Williams Lake Stampede.

Roy and Gwen Mulvahill, Jimmy Lulua, Randy and Christy Saugstad and Wilfred and Betty Anderson will be the main wagon drivers.

This year on the final day, the Wagon Group will be a part of the Williams Lake Stampede Grand Entry for the Friday evening rodeo performance with arrival at approximately 6:45 p.m.

Thanks to committee members and volunteers, Loonie auction and dinner, sales have helped to add to the budget for the trip.  Raffle Tickets are available for $5 each with draw date of June 27, first prize donated by Wayne and Annie William is a 15 inch saddle, second prize donated by Roger and Shannon William is a saddle pad, third prize donated by Jimmy and June Lulua is a 2014 Xeni Wagon Trip jacket.

A Facebook page is setup for those wanting more information, photos, etc. — “Xeni Gwet’in Wagon Trip.”

The group would like to thank the public and logging truck drivers for slowing down when they see the group on the roads.


Williams Lake Tribune