Yarrow school construction facing delays

Students at Yarrow elementary are having to wait longer than expected to move into their new school.

Students at Yarrow elementary are having to wait longer than expected to move into their new school.

The new school was projected to be up and running, with students in classrooms, this January, but due to construction delays, the schools won’t switch over until spring break.

Earlier this month, district officials met with Yellowridge Construction Ltd., the company in charge of construction at Yarrow elementary, and decided that even though construction on the school will be complete sometime in January, it would be best to delay the move-in a couple of months.

The reason for the delay is so school staff can be trained in the operations of the new heating and ventilation system, which is different than the one used in the old school facility.

“It’s going to take a little bit of time to make sure all the deficiencies are taken care of and that we have trained staff to operate the heating and ventilation of the building before we bring the kids in,” said superintendent Michael Audet.

“We wanted to make sure all the new equipment is up and running and functioning well, and that all the deficiencies are taken care of. And probably the most important thing is, when the kids move in there will be no tradesmen on site. There will be nobody with tools, no more jackhammer, no more power tools. That’s done.”

The school district also did not want to be rushed with the move, and decided spring break – from March 19-25 – would be the next best opportunity to move in, rather than on a weekend.

Students will be in the new school on March 26.

Chilliwack Progress