Yashodhara Ashram on Kootenay Lake's East Shore has released conceptual designs for their new Temple of Light, which will replace the temple destroyed in a fire last June.

Yashodhara Ashram on Kootenay Lake's East Shore has released conceptual designs for their new Temple of Light, which will replace the temple destroyed in a fire last June.

Yasodhara Ashram’s temple rises from the ashes

Ambitious new Temple of Light on Kootenay Lake’s East Shore will serve spiritual seekers from around the world.

Almost a year after the Temple of Light at Yasodhara Ashram on Kootenay Lake’s East Shore was destroyed by fire, work on its replacement is well underway.

“It’s happening! Like a phoenix arising from the ashes, the new temple is now taking shape. It’s exciting to present this first public unveiling of the conceptual design,” said Swami Lalitananda in an email update to the community.

“The new temple is refreshingly innovative yet holds true to Swami Radha’s original vision. It is a sacred space built to let light in and to send light out into the world through healing vibrations and prayers.”

The new temple is designed by Patkau Architects, and the concept incorporates essential symbolic and historical elements.

“The new design moves beyond a geometrical form. The building is an organic collection of windows and panels that come together to create a luminous inner space. The Patkau’s intent was always to use light as a ‘primary building material’. They accomplished this by creating portals of light that extend from the foundation to the oculus.”

Light will enter the building from every angle.

Yasodhara Ashram has introduced a new website dedicated to the project at temple.yashodhara.org. There are pictures, videos and conceptual designs posted there.

The current goal is to complete the Temple of Light by the end of 2016.

“This is a unique and ambitious project that will span two years of planning and building. We are currently estimating a total cost of $2 million.”

The ashram is currently looking for donations.

The old temple, which burned down last June, was completed in 1992 based on the vision of the ashram’s founder, the late Swami Sivananda Radha.

The ashram, a yoga retreat and study center, was founded on Walker’s Landing Road in Kootenay Bay in 1963. The temple’s foundation was laid two years later, but it took until the late 1980s for work to begin.

Nelson Star