Mickie Tresierra, 4, front and Dominic Tresierra, test out the ice on 100 Mile’s new skating rink ahead of its official opening last December. (Kelly Sinoski photo - 100 Mile Free Press).

Year-round recreation facility pitched for ice rink site

Organizers seeking support from public, CRD and School District 27.

  • Mar. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Organizers of the 100 Mile Outdoor Ice Rink are proposing to turn the site into a year-round recreational facility.

Nadaya McNeil and her father John would like to see the rink – located on the tennis courts at the former 100 Mile Junior Secondary – turned into a public drop-in space for everything from ice skating and hockey in winter to tennis, pickleball and even a bandstand in summer.

They proposed the idea to the South Cariboo Joint Committee Monday and will reach out to School District 27, which owns the land.

“What we need right now is enthusiastic support of either the joint committee or the District of 100 Mile House. We feel very strongly the site we proposed is the very best and most appropriate location for the project,” McNeil told the committee in a Zoom presentation. “It’s in the very heart of town, it’s visible and close to the business centre and schools. We are willing to fight for it.”

The rink has been hugely popular since it was created by the McNeils – and supported by the community, Cariboo Regional District and South Joint Committee – last winter. As part of their proposal, the McNeils provided a video as well as letters of support from Peter Skene Ogden Secondary, the South Cariboo Figure Skating Club, Blue Sky Autism Services, South Cariboo Pickleball Club, Canim Lake Indian Band and the 100 Mile House Wranglers.

“It blew me away, I didn’t expect it to be that popular or well used,” McNeil said. “We have proven there’s a demand for it. We know this is what the community wants.”

READ MORE: Downtown skating rink on the table

She said she would like to get a long-term land-use agreement in place or perhaps find a way to have the society purchase the site. John McNeil added he would like to build a roof over the facility, which would provide an alternate venue for events such as the South Cariboo Farmers’ Market or Cruzers’ car show when it’s raining. It would complete the South Cariboo Rec Centre by offering more drop-in events for the public year-round, he said.

The society expects it would be able to contribute up to $100,000 in private donations and in-kind labour and materials for the site, and will also apply for grants.

“Between our little group of companies and business people we know for certain we can raise a significant amount of private money,” John said, adding he has lived in this community for over 50 years. “It’s time for us to give a little bit back.

“I think it would just be a gem for this town. I haven’t seen a lot of gems built in this town over the past 20 years.”

Members of the South Cariboo Joint Committee – which includes the district of 100 Mile council as well as CRD directors from electoral areas G, H and L – threw their support behind the project but noted the biggest hurdle will be determining what the SD27 wants to do with the land.

“Thank you so much for stepping out of the box and doing this for 100 Mile,” Coun. Maureen Pinkney said. “It takes a lot of effort and a lot of planning and vision to see these things and go through with them and start them. I really really applaud you guys for doing this. it’s absolutely fantastic and it is so needed in our town.”

Added Coun. Dave Mingo: “This is bigger than just 100 Mile House. This is going to bring people in from all over. I can see people from Bridge Lake potentially coming in. It is a community project.”

100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall said the committee will discuss the proposal with staff and try to push it forward. “I don’t think there’s anybody who’s going to say no this is not a good idea. We’ll do what we can.”

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