Yes, they said it

Interesting comments from around the council table.

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Quips and quotes from Nov. 22 council meeting:

• From the district bylaw enforcement officer’s report: “Dumpster behind community hall very stinky after Lobsterfest….”

• From Mayor Mitch Campsall’s report: “Of course, we had the election, and I’ve got a job again for three more years.”

• From Campsall’s comments upon bidding Coun. Mel Torgerson farewell at his last meeting: “[Mel], you’ve got your peanut butter, so that’s good to see.

“Anyway, it’s been a good three years … and I do appreciate all the hard work that you put in, and the time and the effort away from your family and your business. It’s well appreciated and we understand that you’re just too busy to carry on.

“You will be well missed on this board. I’ll definitely be missing you because I won’t have anyone to abuse any more.”

100 Mile House Free Press