Dick Braunschweig and Fire Chief Roger Beck

Dick Braunschweig and Fire Chief Roger Beck

‘Yes’ vote for new firehall

East Sooke residents voted in favour of building a new firehall

East Sooke residents came out in favour of a new firehall in a 339 to 138 vote. Seventy-one per cent of the residents took the time to let the East Sooke Fire Protection & Emergency Response Commission know they agreed.


Right, Dick Braunschweig, chair of the ESF

PERC stands with Fire Chief Roger Beck of the East Sooke Volunteer Fire Department.


The cost for the firehall will be approximately $50 per $100,000 of assessed value for residents of East Sooke. The fire department responds to call from Mt. Matheson to Silver Spray.


The new  $2.12-million firehall will be built on Ragland Place and the old hall will become a centre for community activities.

Sooke News Mirror