Young ambassador heads to D.C.

A Port Hardy student will be taking part in a young ambassador program in D.C.

  • Jul. 25, 2015 10:00 a.m.

Christina Smith, 16, from Port Hardy is one of 15 students (three from BC) chosen to take part in the Youth Ambassadors Program in the United States.

“Ms. Lowry, my substitute teacher for English in second semester, suggested that I apply for the program, I am extremely thankful for her support,” said Smith, who will be going into Grade 11 in September.

“I hope to enhance my leadership skills, as well as to gain new ones. I hope to return to my community of Tsulquate and the town of Port Hardy a better person who is equipped with the necessary skills to make improvements for our youth,” Smith said.

More than 150 people from across Canada applied for this program.  The Youth Leadership Program fosters mutual understanding, respect, and civic engagement among young Americans, between the ages of 15 and 17, and their international peers.

During the exchanges, students and educators participate in workshops, community service activities, team building exercises, meetings with community leaders, leadership development, and live with American families.

When they return home, the students apply what they have learned to implement projects that serve needs in their communities.

They will first travel to Ottawa for orientation at the U.S. Embassy on July 20-21 and then to Plattsburgh, Hyde Park, and New York City. They will finish the program in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 9. In Washington, they will meet with senior officials of the Department of State and the Embassy of Canada.


North Island Gazette