Your Cranbrook Municipal Election Candidates

Your Cranbrook Municipal Election Candidates

General Voting Day is Saturday, Oct. 20, at Laurie Middle School from 8 am to 8 pm. Advance voting is Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Cranbrook Senior Centre on 17th Ave. South and 2nd Street South, from 8 am to 8 pm

The 10 candidates running for Cranbrook City Council have been given space today at and in Wednesday’s Townsman to reach out to voters with their messages. They are presented here in alphabetical order. Remember, General Voting Day is is Saturday, October 20 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Laurie Middle School on 2nd Street South. Advance voting is Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Cranbrook Senior Centre on 17th Ave. South and 2nd Street South, from 8 am to 8 pm

Norma Blissett

Norma is employed as a part time high school teacher, she was a forester, and she became a Cranbrook city councilor in 2014. She has made Cranbrook her home for over twenty years and raised three children in this community.

Norma volunteered for a number of organizations over the years including Citizens for a Livable Cranbrook, Cranbrook Minor Lacrosse and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. While on city council, she served on the Library Board and the History Centre Board. As a city councillor, she represented the city at a number of community events and made an effort to meet a wide variety of Cranbrook citizens.

“I have tried to represent the interests of the broader community at the council table”

“As a Council, we have made significant improvements to the city’s infrastructure, we supported multi-family housing development, we brought in a patio bylaw to support downtown revitalization and we renovated Idlewild Park. We also purchased the Tembec lands in an effort to stimulate industrial development. “

“Our city is growing. Council has been able to fund significant community improvements while keeping tax increases relatively low. I am pleased with what has been accomplished and would like to take advantage of what I have learned while being on Council to continue to work on behalf of the citizens of Cranbrook for another term.”

“If re-elected, my priorities will be to continue replacing our aging infrastructure, continue improving our downtown, continue supporting housing and business development, and continue supporting initiatives to improve the quality of life for all Cranbrook residents.”

“I am a practical, reliable and inclusive person. I have a track record of involvement in our community and a track record on city council. I’m asking for your support at the polls on October 20.”

Danielle Eaton

Danielle Eaton (Cardozo) wants to keep her seat on Cranbrook City Council this October 20th. Eaton’s focus next term will be continued community growth, addressing water quality and housing issues, and continuing to improve municipal communication and transparency.

Eaton is proud of the growth that Council has worked hard to achieve; touting the Roads Program, Idlewild, building permit growth, and increased downtown vibrancy as achievements. She will continue to support responsible infrastructure management and development growth; while ensuring continued support to local arts and culture organizations.

Eaton acknowledges that growth in development this term provides new infrastructure capacity issues and a significant housing crisis. Eaton intends to advocate for more attention to water related infrastructure management, to improve Cranbrook’s water quality and ensure that the Joseph Creek Rehabilitation Project continues and is completed. She’s also determined to follow through with projects that Cranbrook has brought to the Province and BC Housing, ensuring affordable housing is built in Cranbrook to accommodate the growth and make Cranbrook an affordable place to live again – particularly for low-income families, youth, and our seniors.

Over the past four years, Eaton has made herself readily available for resident inquiries through phone, email, and social media; and will continue to provide regular social media updates. She believes that transparency and effective communication is Council’s responsibility and debt to the residents who elected them to their position.

Eaton and her husband, Clint, have three children, each own a local downtown business, and support many local organizations including Cranbrook Community Theatre, Cranbrook & District 4H, the Sam Steele Sweethearts Youth Ambassador Program, Cranbrook Minor Ball, Kootenay ICE hockey, and more. Eaton created local fundraising events over her term that have raised closed to $100,000 for Cranbrook. She is the creator and organizer of the Kootenay Game Changer Awards.

Jordan Fiorentino

Coming from a five-generation Cranbrook family, I truly care about this city. It is my hope that my children (and their children) will love Cranbrook as much I do and will want to settle here. For my family, and yours, I want to see Cranbrook grow and flourish! As the largest urban centre in southeast British Columbia – literally surrounded by mountains, forests, lakes, and golf courses – Cranbrook is already an amazing place to work and play – an ideal city to call home.

My deep Cranbrook roots date back to the late 1920s when my great grandfather chose Cranbrook and established a new home for his young family. Now my wife and I are raising our two young children in Cranbrook. My family story has led me to see ‘the big picture’ and inspired me to step forward. I would be honoured to serve on Cranbrook City Council so that I can do my part in building a strong, sustainable city for my family and yours.

I believe that Cranbrook needs further economic development, increased housing for all income levels, and community growth. I endorse the importance of continuing with a firm plan regarding infrastructure and road work, as well as making our city a clean and welcoming environment.

After graduating from high school, I completed an apprenticeship at BCIT. At the time I worked as an automotive technician for Northstar Motors – a high-volume, customer-focused business.

Since then, I have worked my way up to my current position of Operations Manager for Northstar. I believe my work experience can serve me well on City Council. I am confident that it has given me the strong fiscal knowledge and problem-solving skills required.

If successful, I will strive for satisfaction for the citizens of Cranbrook.

Wesly Graham

Wesly Graham was born in Cranbrook and has lived here for a good part of his life. Wesly’s family has been in the Cranbrook area for 3 generations. Wes loves Cranbrook and over the past four years has gained knowledge and perspective on how the City of Cranbrook has evolved to where it is today.

Wesly has played a key role, with the rest of Council, in ushering Cranbrook into its next exciting chapter. The past four years have consisted of major road works, the Idlewild Dam reconstruction, multiple park upgrades, and also breaking down many barriers inhibiting business growth. Cranbrook has seen substantial growth in building permit values since this team has been elected. Wesly also serves on the Regional District of East Kootenay and the Kootenay East Regional Hospital Board.

The future for Cranbrook is bright and Wesly is working hard to make sure the road program continues with safety at top of mind. Over the past few years the downtown has become more of a gathering place and Wesly is committed to seeing a strong downtown and bringing a sense of community and culture to the core of our city.

The recent purchase of the former Tembec lands will be an economic driver and will help build a strong Commercial and Industrial area as it will open new transportation corridors and encourage infill development. With increased development comes the challenges of housing and affordability which must be further addressed. Wesly is and has been an advocate to get the Province to step up to the plate and find proactive approaches. If the City continues on this course, we can find solutions to get the housing shortages solved.

A vote for Wesly Graham means continued healthy growth, investments in our infrastructure and roads, and a vibrant downtown.

Melodie Hull

I am from here. I attended elementary school, worked as a new nurse here and most recently, I taught Nursing at the College. My career, skill set, experiences and education are well suited to serve on City Council.

Service to people and community are part of who I am. Civic service is the natural next step for me. I’ve been an active volunteer here in Cranbrook and afar. I’ve been involved with Cranbrook Community Theatre for years and support arts, culture and heritage. I sat on the Board of Cranbrook & District Community Foundation. I initiated a number of fundraising activities for the hospital in years past. I developed the Melodie Hull Mental Health & Addictions Endowment Fund.

I agree we must grow. It’s a fiscal necessity. We need a robust economy. Managed and sustainable growth requires planning now and into the next decade or two. Our current Mayor and Council have achieved some progressive initiatives. I’ll bring fresh perspectives and creative, innovative ideas to continue our progress, balancing economic health with social health. My business experience as a previous small business owner, director on large provincial and local Boards and a Union will help. Informed decision making requires input from many sources, research and fact-finding. This are some of my strengths.

Today we are in need of affordable housing. I want to see action on that now as well as into the future. I want to work with governments, agencies and organizations to move more quickly on this.

I will advocate to culture, heritage, arts, sports and leisure. Lifestyle, health and safety are all important to community. These are what make us and the city who we are. These are the ways others are attracted to us.

Working for you, I’ll be approachable. I want to hear from you.

Mike Peabody

Mike grew up in Cranbrook, he studied at the College of the Rockies, earned a business degree from The University of New Brunswick, and is part owner of a thriving retail store in Downtown Cranbrook. He is a family man, with two young daughters. He loves to mountain bike, snowboard, and spend time outdoors with his children.

Mike has always been a community minded guy, and he shows that through his work at The Choice Shop. Over the last 10 years, he and his staff have organized over 55 free skateboard competitions, and numerous free snowboard competitions. These events always have a ton of prizes, and free food. Mike has organized clothing donations for underprivileged kids in our local school system, snowboard video premiers at The Key City Theater that raise money for local families in need, and once he even fought his business partner Joey in a charity boxing match.

Mike joined City Council in November of 2017. Although a year is a short time to learn all the responsibilities of a municipal councillor, Mike has worked diligently to be a proficient team member. He comes to meetings prepared, he asks necessary questions, and makes every decision with Cranbrook’s best interest in mind.

When elected, Mike wants to help develop a diversified economy in Cranbrook. He wants to continue working with the Cranbrook Tourism Board. Furthermore, he will continue to advocate for the downtown community. Mike has been an active member of the Downtown Business Association for eight years. He has organized numerous networking and sales events, contributed research for bylaws that affect downtown, and has volunteered many hours towards downtown initiatives.

If you want a candidate that cares deeply about this City, and has proven that throughout his career, then please vote for Mike Peabody.

Ron Popoff

Ron Popoff is seeking re-election for Cranbrook City Council. He has lived in Cranbrook for 28 years with his wife Joanna, where they raised two wonderful children. He loves the community and everything it offers.

Ron will continue to control spending and taxes, fix roads, remove barriers for business, and revitalize downtown Cranbrook. Ron believes in examining housing availability to bring new workers to the community and to support younger generations in becoming homeowners. He thinks Cranbrook’s location as a central hub of services, roads, rail, and air transport, will attract knowledge-based companies with high-tech jobs, new manufacturing industries, and improve tourism and hospitality.

Ron believes that as Cranbrook ambassadors we should tell people how affordable, accessible, and livable Cranbrook is.

During his career in Public Health, Ron’s focus was on ensuring healthy communities. He has a strong management background and knows how government works.

Ron is involved in the community, previously serving with Kinsmen and coaching youth sports. He now serves with Rotary and provides safety patrol for the Gran Fondo. Ron was excited to be involved as a 55+ Games volunteer. He is currently on the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Board, the Executive of the Kootenay & Boundary Local Governments, the Cranbrook Social Planning Society, and is an alternate RDEK Director.

Ron welcomes your comments and suggestions to build our community together. His goal is that Cranbrook continues to grow and prosper. Contact him at

Thank you.

Wayne Price

As a third generation resident, Wayne is extremely proud and 100% committed to the City of Cranbrook. He became a City employee in 1985 as a member of the Cranbrook Fire Dept. Starting in 1991 Wayne spent 15 years with the Office of the Fire Commissioner, the last five as Regional Manager for the Interior of British Columbia.

In 2005 Wayne returned home to undertake the position of Director of the City’s Fire and Emergency Services, which enabled him to utilize his skills and experience to benefit the organization and his home town. Over the past 13 years, he has proudly led our City’s emergency services department, developing excellent working relationships with all City’s departments, administration and Mayors and Councils.

Wayne’s career and life experiences have provided him with the understanding, skills and experience that would make him an asset to Cranbrook City Council. With over 23 years of experience in municipal and provincial government management he has developed sound and effective strategic business, planning and decision making principles. He has the leadership skills required to support the community of Cranbrook as a member of Council. Wayne feels that as a member of Council he can give back to his hometown and make a difference for future generations.

Recently retired, Wayne is able to contribute full time to Council and community interests. He is a believer in the Kaizen principle that we can always do better through continual improvement in self, organization and community.

“We can always do better”

Curt Rasmussen

Cranbrook is a beautiful and deserving town. You choose to live in Cranbrook to build your future because you believe it is the best place for that. Because of this, you deserve the best.

As one of your city councillors:

I will be open, transparent, and listen to your concerns and ideas. Making decisions after listening and passing those decisions through the filter of “What impact is this going to have on the people of Cranbrook and their future?”

I will push for newer and more innovative ways to bridge the gap that has created our affordable housing crisis.

I will work toward Cranbrook becoming better connected; in transportation, accommodation, healthcare, and local vibrancy through downtown revitalization and supporting our Arts and Culture.

I will work to protect and improve the provisions of care for the more vulnerable in of our city ie: Seniors, Children, and the Disabled.

I will continue to support our growth and prosperity. Supporting local businesses and apprenticeships, as well as creating an atmosphere that attracts newer businesses so that we can grow our economy with stability (recognizing the coming changes due to technology and innovatively work with those changes) in order to fund vital public services thus reducing the individual tax burden.

I will continue to support and improve the investment into our infrastructure, both hard and soft. ie roads, water services, sanitation, parks, sporting, etc with improved foresight and planning so we do not repeat the errors of the past.

My friends, Cranbrook needs a council that represents all of our citizens. A council that puts people before politics, and has a clear vision for Cranbrook’s future. On Oct 20 I invite you to vote Curt Rasmussen for City Council, and let’s create the council you deserve.

Randy Tapp

I am excited at the possible opportunity to bring my enthusiasm and experience to work for you on Cranbrook City Council.

Why I’m running

• To further contribute to the positive changes I see in the community, including improvements in infrastructure, roads and beautification, and community-based initiatives, such as the Farmer’s Market and Summer Sounds’

• To address issues that I see as impeding progress, including the fragmentation of neighbourhoods and business areas, and derelict buildings, unkempt empty lots, and vacant businesses.

Other issues I see as important:

• Developing a vision and a plan to help vitalize our downtown area;

• Supporting and assisting those working in Social Planning and Services in our community;

• Addressing affordable housing and housing shortages;

• Accessible, open and transparent government;

• Fiscal responsibility to our taxpayers

Why I believe I can do the job

Public service and community experience:

• RDEK Director 10 years;

• Served on many Boards, including the East Kootenay Hospital District;

• Member, founding committee of Columbia Basin Trust

Community service and


• Volunteer for many charities and service groups

• Active participant in the Arts, including Cranbrook Community Theatre, Cranbrook Community Band, and Cranbrook Dance Connection

• Founded Dancing in the Park/ Summer Sounds 10 years ago, which became Fisher Peak Performing Artists Society. I continue to serve as a Director

Personal traits:

I am devoted, tireless and a proven leader

I love this city, and I would love to be part of the vision and planning that can make our community even better.

Please vote for me on October 20.

Thank you.

Cranbrook Townsman

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