The Kimber family of Boston Bar lost their home in a fire. Blaine Kimber’s daughter created a fundraiser to help rebuild the home with the goal of $100,000. (Screenshot/GoFundMe)

‘You’re all wonderful people’: Community rallies around Boston Bar family who lost everything in fire

Witnesses say the Kimber family escaped the fire without injury, but their home is a total loss

  • Mar. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A GoFundMe has been launched for Blaine Kimber and his family after his Boston Bar home was destroyed in a fire on Saturday afternoon (March 6).

Witnesses say everyone including their pets escaped from the fire safely. Caitlin Kimber, Blaine’s daughter, said the family lost everything as the home was engulfed in flames.

Less than 24 hours after the fire, there has already been a steady outpouring of support from the community via local social media, with offers of furniture, shelter, meals and multiple fundraisers in the works.

As of press time, the fundraiser has thus far brought in nearly $4,000 from 14 donors with a $100,000 goal.

Outside of GoFundMe, the Kimber family can receive etransfers for building supplies and other needs through In the Hope area, Trish Dunbar is collecting physical donations for the family; Caitlin Kimber has Dunbar’s contact information.

“I asked Dad if he needed anything specific,, and he said he’s ok for now,” Caitlin wrote in an update the day after the fire. “He is hoping to rebuild soon.”

Caitlin said the family currently lives in a fifth wheel as they prepare to tear down and rebuild.

“He is grateful to all those that have helped so far,” Caitlin added. “A huge thank you to anyone that has rallied around my family to help my dad. You’re all wonderful people. Thank you so much.”

For more information on how to help, contact Caitlin Kimber at 604-860-2443.

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