Youths rescued following risky canoe trip

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Oak Bay locate youths at Trial Island

  • May. 28, 2015 7:00 p.m.

Three youths were rescued after an ill-advised canoe trip to Trial Island May 18. A resident observed them and called police out of concern about their safety given the wind and conditions.

A four-member crew with Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Oak Bay was tasked with picking up people in a canoe that had gone to Trial Island and bring them back.

“When our crew reached the scene, the paddlers were already back in the canoe and heading home,” said Ed Walker of Oak Bay Sea Rescue. “It was apparent that they were inexperienced, because of the way they sat in the canoe.”

None were wearing life jackets, nor were there any in the canoe. They made it into Pipeline Cove where they were met by Oak Bay Police and a stern conversation.



Driver ignores crossing guard

Disobeying a school guard warranted a ticket for one driver May 22. The driver passed several vehicles in the wrong lane as they stopped for a crossing guard near École Willows Elementary.

The investigating Oak Bay Police officers located the driver of the suspect vehicle and served her a violation ticket for disobeying a school guard.



Reminder to lock vehicles

Two insecure vehicles parked in the 2100 block of Granite were entered overnight and discovered May 18. Several items of value were removed.



Bus stop marked up

On May 18 it was noticed a bus shelter in the 2600 block of Estevan had been the target of graffiti. No suspects have been identified.

Break and enter foiled

Nothing was reported stolen in a failed attempt to break into a business in the 2100 block of Oak Bay Avenue on May 19. Saanich Ident officers attended to assist with the investigation, which is still active. There are no suspects at this time.



Crab traps stolen

Someone walked off with several crab traps May 19. They were stolen from a boat at Oak Bay Marina. No suspects have been identified.



Driver fails screening

A driver who twice failed a roadside screening May 23 netted a 30-day driving prohibition and had the vehicle impounded for 30 days. He was stopped by Oak Bay Police officers conducting a CounterAttack road check in the 3400 block of Cadboro Bay Road.



Oak Bay News