YYJ runways to get first resurfacing in 35 years

Victoria International Airport's main runway could soon undergo $10 million resurfacing

The airport is embarking on a $8 million to $10 million project to resurface its main runway.

The asphalt, similar to the material used to build roads, needs to be resurfaced every 20 to 30 years, airport authority CEO Geoff Dickson said.

It was last resurfaced in 1979. The airport authority hopes to complete the resurfacing without boosting the $10 airport improvement fee.

“We’re looking at resurfacing of the runway in 2013 or 2014. We have a regular paving process we do for the runways to maintain their condition. It’s the most important thing we do for maintaining the airport.”

The airport also hopes to extend the main runway, which could open opportunities for flights to and from Asia and Europe. Dickson said the extension plan is independent of the resurfacing project.

Peninsula News Review