Ted Lewis

Ted Lewis

Zeballos mayor, regional district rep dies

Lewis had been struggling with medical issues over the past couple of months and had been absent from the regional district table

Strathcona Regional District Director Ted Lewis has died.

The regional district announced last week that Lewis, who was also mayor of Zeballos, passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 5.

“It is with great sadness that the regional district has learned of the passing of Director Ted Lewis,” reads a message on the regional district’s website. “Ted was always a true champion for his community and for the region. His vision and enthusiasm will be sorely missed. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Ted’s wife, Barb, and the rest of the Lewis family.”

Lewis had been struggling with medical issues over the past couple of months and had been absent from the regional district table.

Lewis has served in public office since 2008 when he was elected to Zeballos village council. He was appointed to the Comox-Strathcona Regional District board, the predecessor of the Strathcona Regional District, that same year and in 2012 was elected chair of the Strathcona Regional District board.

Lewis took the role to heart, as he told the Mirror shortly after his election.

“I now have the honour of representing our regional district board as their chair, a responsibility I take very seriously, as it involves related duties and obligations on behalf of other board members,” Lewis wrote in an e-mail on New Year’s Eve of 2012.

Lewis served as chair until December 2013, when he declined a nomination for re-election.

Lewis was being remembered on Facebook by loved ones last week.

Lewis’ son, Josh Lewis, thanked everyone for their support.

“It truly helps so much knowing he has a place in all of your thoughts right now,” he wrote.



Campbell River Mirror