Zebra and quagga mussel prevention workshop planned for Kelowna

Workshop offered in response to interest from the local marine industry, says Okanagan Basin Water Board.

The Okanagan Basin Water Board and its WaterWise Program are hosting a free Don’t Move A Mussel – invasive mussel Inspection training workshop” with the B.C. Ministry of Environment Monday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Cook Street Boat Launch parking lot.

The free training session for marina and yacht club operators has been organized in response to interest from the local marine industry in helping prevent introduction of invasive zebra and quagga mussels into Okanagan waters.

Possession of these species, dead or alive, is now prohibited by both provincial and federal law. Individuals and businesses can be liable for hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, and even receive jail time they break the law.

These invasive species, which originate from Eastern Europe, were introduced into the Great Lakes in the 1980s after a European vessel released ballast water carrying the mollusks. Since then, the mussels have been hitchhiking through Canada and the U.S. on boats and other watercraft.  B.C. is among only a few provinces and U.S. states that are still considered mussel-free, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wyoming.

Currently, there is no known way to eliminate the mussels once they enter a water body. And with each female able to produce one million eggs per year, it wouldn’t take long for the mussels to get established. As well, at their youngest stage, the invasive mussels are the size of a grain of sand. At their largest they are the size of your thumbnail (1.5 to 2 cm).

These mussels clog boat motors, foul beaches and put several of the assets we treasure most as residents of the Okanagan at risk. This includes our water quality, the local fishery, the lake’s ecology, tourism, even our economy. Research conducted for the OBWB estimates the cost to the Okanagan if the mussels were to gain a foothold would be $43 million a year.

As such, prevention is critical, says the water board.  Monday’s training will include a demonstration of inspecting and decontaminating a boat and trailer, and how to properly clean, drain and dry watercraft and equipment.

For more on the risks invasive mussels pose to the Okanagan and prevention tips visit www.DontMoveAMussel.ca.


Kelowna Capital News