Zombie night out could be a winner

2012 grads of Barriere Secondary have been working hard to put together a BCAA video

  • Nov. 7, 2011 4:00 p.m.
A crowd of scary looking zombie grads  (BSS students) converge on a wrecked vehicle during the making of a video to enter into a BCAA contest promoting dry grad.

A crowd of scary looking zombie grads (BSS students) converge on a wrecked vehicle during the making of a video to enter into a BCAA contest promoting dry grad.

“The whole night was fantastic,” said Kris Luison, as she related the activity that had taken place at the Barriere Industrial Park the evening of Nov. 1. “The grads were amazing.”

With the help of Baillie’s Auto Wrecking & Salvage,  Barriere Search and Rescue, BC Ambulance, and Barriere RCMP the 2012 grads of Barriere Secondary have been working hard to put together a BCAA video that will promote dry-grad activities and demote ‘drinking and driving’.

The video is full of zombie grads, non-zombie grads, first responders, flashing lights, and lessons to be learned about drinking and driving.

“It was a cold night for the student actors (many without jackets, only wearing bloody, ripped up t-shirts), but they all enjoyed their movie debuts immensely,” says BSS secretary Kris Luison, “ The Grads are very excited about this endeavour and wish to thank the numerous community helpers who assisted them with this project.

Luison says the three minute video will now be entered into the BCAA contest where they will be eligible to win $4,000 (1st prize), $,2000 (2nd prize), or $1,000 (3rd prize). Apparently a top five entries will be picked before the end of December, and will then be uploaded to YouTube for public voting.

“If our kids are lucky enough to win, the prize money will be put towards a dry grad activity,” said Luison.



Barriere Star Journal