A New Orleans funeral jazz band led hundreds of followers in the first ever zombie walk in Nelson.

A New Orleans funeral jazz band led hundreds of followers in the first ever zombie walk in Nelson.

Zombies roam Baker Street

The first-ever zombie walk was hosted by the Civic Theatre Society, with help from local makeup artists who dolled up the undead.

All photos by T. Hynd

It was bloody frightful scene as zombies filled Baker Street in Nelson this afternoon. Led by a zombie New Orleans funeral jazz band, hundreds of undead shuffled and moaned from the Civic Theatre through downtown and alleyways, parading past living spectators.

It was all part of the first-ever zombie walk hosted by the Civic Theatre Society, with help from makeup artists from the Tea Garden Salon and Spa who dolled folks into character.

Walk organizers Jason Asbell (Civic manager) and Lelainya Harvey were thrilled by the turn out saying people were lined up 30 minutes before the makeup was scheduled to begin. Living in Vancouver previously, Asbell has been in zombie walks before but he thought Nelson’s zombie walk should have it’s own twist, such as the New Orleans funeral jazz band whose core was the Oxygen Orkestar.

The zombies returned full circle to the Civic where they were treated to a free showing of the classic zombie film Night of the Living Dead at 4 p.m.

Nelson Star