Two of the buildings on a Summerland property were constructed more than 25 years ago, without building permits. (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

Zoning amendment approved for Summerland property

Buildings on property had been constructed in the past without permits

Summerland council has approved a bylaw to allow changes to buildings at 19223 Lakeshore Drive.

The site-specific amendment to the zoning bylaw allows three principal dwellings on the property and adjusts the maximum lot coverage, the maximum floor area ration and the minimum interior side setback.

Two of the buildings on the property were constructed more than 25 years ago, without building permits, development variance permits or a zoning approval.

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The amendment legitimizes the structures to bring the property into conformance with the municipality’s zoning bylaw.

The property is owned by Robin and Janice Agur and has been in their family since 1905. Over the years, it has gone through numerous changes. A log cabin was built between 1933 and 1940, and expanded after the Second World War. In the early 1950s, the cottage was built for visiting friends and family. The garage was built at the same time.

“We hope to continue to support the viability of multi-generations to live on the property together and call it home,” they said in a letter to council.

Responses from others in the Crescent Beach area were mixed, with some expressing disappointment that the buildings had been constructed without permits. Others offered support to the amendment.

Coun. Richard Barkwill said the buildings on the property are not in conformity. The zoning amendment is the best option to bring the property into conformity.

Coun. Doug Patan said the municipality has dealt with similar situations in recent years.

“We have the opportunity to send a message to our community that it’s not acceptable to build without a permit,” he said.

The motion received unanimous council support.

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