George Vernon Eisler

In Loving Memory ~
George Vernon Eisler was born June 13th,1935 in Dauphin, Manitoba to Robert and Edna Eisler. He was the second son of his siblings Ralph, Bill, Lorraine, Gordon, and Glen. They moved to Flinn Flon, Manitoba, where the family got the truth and where they stayed until Vern was 6 years old.
One winter when the temperature got to -55 F, Robert said to Edna that he had seen a picture of Creston, BC with apples on the trees, he said “this place has to be warmer than here”. So, he packed up the family and moved to Creston in the spring of 1941.
From an early age Vern was very caring, generous and hard working. At the age of eight he would go to the dump across the street where they lived on 4th St, to find broken toys. He would then fix them and when other children came over to play, he would give the toys to them.
Vern enjoyed school up until grade ten, then he decided to go to work. He logged with horses with the Hoffman crew. After a while he worked with his dad and a few of the Plascko boys building the Bull River Dam.
As a young man he brought in a good wage, buying his first new car. With his ever-helping nature he offered to use his car to drive to the assemblies. This is how he first met June, she was to get a ride to the Lethbridge spring assembly, from a brother in Creston. He walked in the door, they smiled at each other, and as June says, “one look was all it took.” Six months later they were married, and they were hardly ever apart.
Nine months later Roszann was born, two years later Vernon Royce was born. Vern decided to build his growing family a house. He worked extremely hard at Creston’s sawmill Barns & Farstead, also known as Crestbrook, all day and then came to work on the house with June well into the night.
He worked so hard, June had to fill his lunch kit with sandwiches, which used a full loaf of bread. Royce remembers moving into their new house when he was 5 years old, on Stocks Jackson Rd, now called 25th Ave S.
Vern was always spiritually minded. He got baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses Oct 5th,1952, at the age of 17 and was as elder and service school overseer at the age of 19. He was always remarkably busy helping to look after the congregation and those in the congregation needing assistance.
They were always welcoming ones into their home and helping many get back on their feet. Everyone knew Vern and June would welcome them with open arms.
10 years after Royce, June wanted another bundle of joy, Robert George was born March 1st, 1967. June helped him to get training in fixing TVs and electronics and started working at Valley Appliances, because she said sawing lumber was a no end job.
Tak Toyota asked him to work for Taks Home Furnishings to fix appliances and wire houses. He could fix anything. Finally, the Creston Valley Hospital asked him to be the maintenance man, where he fixed everything and anything. Even after retiring they would have him come back to fix certain things.
Vern and June doted over their granddaughters Renee, Janine, Angela, Shayna, and grandsons Diane and Jesse, and loved their great grandchildren Van, Cash, Lemon, Jax, Brandt, and Ali.
He would make sure to be there for them, whenever they needed grandpa, he would help fix the car, or work on electrical in their houses, or even go fishing or quadding and hunting with them. Family was always especially important, which he would tell June when she would get upset with her brother.
They would always take trips to see family many times a year and take many vacations to Hawaii with the family. There was always time for fun. Many would come over to play cards or dominos and the family dinners everyone would roll away from.
Vern gave many memorial talks for those who passed in the hall over the years. His faith was etched into his mind where he could give the talks off by heart. He loved the truth so much he wanted to make sure that all he talked to in service knew and felt the love he had. He was a pillar in the congregation and loved by all.
All his family spiritually and physically will miss him greatly. We cannot wait to see his black hair and eyebrows again.Obituary-

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