108 Lake Secchi “Dip In” Results

James Gellein's letter to the editor (100 Mile House Free Press)

To the editor:

The BC Lake Stewardship Society volunteer members monitor the health of BC lakes by measuring clarity or visibility using Secchi Disks which was invented in the 19th century. Each July, BC lakes are measured and compared which the B.C.L.S.S. calls a Secchi “dip in.” Readings are also taken from April to October along with lake temperature.

This years’ 108 lake reading was two metres for July 15 and 26, which is the worst reading ever recorded. This was the third worst for the province and was almost equal to Bednesti Lake which was the second worst.

The highest lake temperature was 22 degrees Celsius on July 26.

The 108 lake level declined only 12 cm during irrigation season which is April to October and remained constant after the pumps were removed, indicating no 108 lake water is leaking into the 108 aquifer.

The record rainfall for this season would have improved the Secchi readings, the lake level decline and also the amount of blue green algae.

James Gellein

108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press