16 Avenue closures are costly

People living along 16 Avenue lose income and access to their properties as a result of the many crashes and road closures.

Editor: After yet another morning of being held hostage in my own home as a result of yet another closure of 16 Avenue, I hold the mayor and council of Langley Township responsible for dragging their feet on this issue.

My own family is still suffering the financial losses associated with a rollover accident at the beginning of July. ICBC has yet to repair my fence or field and I have lost use of a good portion of my property because of broken glass on the site.

I also lost farm income because of the accident and I continue to be affected every time there is a road closure.

If the financial impact to the farming community is not enough to motivate the mayor and council to install stop signs at crossroads like 208 Street and 212 Street, I fear that eventually we will have to measure that cost in the accidental loss of an innocent life.

What will it take to realize that enough is enough, and reclaim our rural roads?

Teresa Townsley,


Langley Times