18 young Campbell River ladies and gents to go to prom feeling fabulous

The Cinderella Project is once again finished for another year. We are so happy that eighteen young ladies and gentlemen are going to prom feeling fabulous.

The Cinderella Project is once again finished for another year. We are so happy that eighteen young ladies and gentlemen are going to prom feeling fabulous.

Barb McDougall and myself could not do this without the help and support of so many in the community. We would like to thank Lea Hartley and Hair Squared for the donation of “up-dos”. Jake Carson and Shae Bee have given each grad a 15 minute photo shoot with 5 edited digital prints. Mark’s Work Wear and Warehouse One helped to ensure one young man was dressed and all fit well. We were able to collaborate with New 2 U and have a young lady receive the dress she felt beautiful in. We worked with Cameron’s Cause through a dress rental for the gala and both our programs benefited from the eleven ladies who participated. And always this Project could not work without the donations from the community at large. The dresses, suits, shirts and shoes are the backbone of what we have to offer.

Thank you to all. We wish the graduates success as they move on to their next chapters in life.

Sincerely and with much gratitude,

Dianne Thomas

Campbell River Mirror