20 Langley schools part of Student Vote program

Editor: After a whirlwind two-week campaign, I am so pleased to announce 20 schools from the Langley School District have registered to be a part of the Student Vote program.

I am so proud of all the schools who have jumped on board and I know they are going to become advocates for this program, as I have. We have more than doubled our school numbers from the last provincial election, when Langley saw nine schools participating.

That’s double the number of kids becoming actively engaged in the democratic process and double the number of kids who will take their newfound knowledge and passion home to their friends and family. This is something to be proud of.

Margaret Mead said so eloquently: “Never doubt, that a small group of thoughtful citizens could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

I hope in the upcoming days before the federal election, there are many thoughtful and engaged conversations occurring around each and every Langley dinner table. I hope we are reminded what a privilege it is to have the right to vote, and that we exercise it.

Michelle Sparrow,


Langley Times