Elkford mayor Dean McKerracher.

2020 Mayoral year in review – Dean McKerracher, Elkford

What a year this was! First and foremost, I want to share how proud I am of our community! When times got tough this year, we showed extraordinary strength, compassion and kindness.

What a year this was! First and foremost, I want to share how proud I am of our community! When times got tough this year, we showed extraordinary strength, compassion and kindness.

Essential workers across Elkford kept the lights on, buses running, stores open, shelves stocked, mail circulating and clinics staffed. At the District of Elkford, our staff worked tirelessly to serve you; and despite the challenges we faced, our town saw great successes! Nearly every department in the District of Elkford welcomed new staff this year, and we have been working extra hard to serve you throughout the pandemic. From Corporate and Finance, that kept our collective health and best interests protected; to the Recreation and Leisure Services Departments, that kept our families swimming, skating and active when they needed it most; to the Elkford Fire Rescue team who tirelessly serve us as first responders, put out fires, and perform wildfire mitigation; to Bylaw, Planning and Development that kept us striving toward a cleaner and safer community; to Public Works and Maintenance crews that kept essential services running smoothly so that we had less to worry about during COVID-19, we had all boots on the ground.

This year, we worked with the Elkford Housing Society toward their goal of constructing a seniors’ living facility in Elkford. We congratulate them on their success, as they recently secured grant funding to build 22 affordable homes for seniors and citizens with disabilities in Elkford! This summer also saw the continuation of a long-term paving project to replace roads for major portions of the community. Overseen by Public Works, contracting company BA Blacktop Ltd. finished the installation of brand-new asphalt and sidewalks in uptown and midtown in October, complete with enhanced connectivity and cycling/walking routes through an added $500,000 Active Transportation Grant.

On that note, 2021 promises to be brighter. Here in Elkford, every single success we share is because of the collective efforts and dedication of every one of our employees, citizens and volunteers in this community, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts. As we reflect on 2020 and make our way into 2021, I ask that you continue to take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Check on your neighbours, your friends, your colleagues. After all, we’re all in this together.

On behalf of Council and our staff, we wish you a prosperous New Year!

Mayor Dean McKerracher

District of Elkford

Fernie Free Press