20th Street extension

Mr. Foster, I am writing to say that I can not believe that you do not support the majority of the citizens of Vernon

Mr. Foster, I am writing to say that I can not believe that you do not support the majority of the citizens of Vernon and as our elected government representative don’t put a stop to this unbelievable project that is going to take place.

That trail along BX Creek has had a lot of money spent to make it an awesome green space for the citizens of Vernon to enjoy, many people walk there and enjoy the beautiful green space that we seem to have less and less of all the time.

Not to mention it is a marsh, a sensitive environment, many critters live there, there is also a creek that runs in there, how can it even be a consideration to destroy that?

You said on the radio that most of the people that have expressed concern never went to meetings to see the plan, it doesn’t matter if you see the plan or not, bottom line is the plan destroys that trail and the marsh and everything that lives there – why don’t you do what you are paid by our tax dollars to do, represent us and our wishes?

Once that is done it can never be undone.

I wonder if the Minister of Environment has been asked to assess that area and has said it is OK for a highway to go there, I doubt it.

D. Chambers


Vernon Morning Star