44 Avenue residents need some calming

Will the Township do something about this serious problem, or will we citizens have to act for ourselves?

Editor: Welcome to the Langley Speedway. Join the hundreds of cars that use 44 Avenue on a daily basis to get to either 208 Street or 42 Avenue from their hundred or so homes lying to the north between 208 and 212 Streets. But no blame should go to them, as the Township planning department made the ridiculous error originally.

But there is more to vex the residents along this unfortunate, noisy roadway. Hundreds of drivers use this busy thoroughfare to drive their children to and from the Fundamental School located on 212 Street. Twice a day the road is bumper to bumper with traffic, except on holidays.

But there is more to annoy those residing along 44 Avenue. Speeding and gunning engines along this route seems to be the evening and late night pastime of many.

Neighbours unfortunate enough to live on this roadway have their sleep disrupted, and those with children shudder at the speed of some of these inconsiderate individuals.

Under the former mayor of the Township, residents were told that we were on the list for  “calming” the traffic, and hopefully the Township will install speed bumps or some other method to reduce traffic on this dangerous and noisy thoroughfare.

It is necessary. It is needed now. Will the Township of Langley please do something about this serious problem, or will we citizens have to act like people do when their lives are seriously affected?

Mike Harvey,


Langley Times