60 in 60 blog: Week 14

Reaching a plateau

Terry Farrell

Record staff

The following is our latest blog entry to our 60 in 60 challenge. For those of you who missed our October column (see bit.ly/1LqaMVq) Erica and I have embarked on a journey to lose 60 pounds (combined) in 60 weeks (combined). We have weekly online updates and monthly submissions into the Record newspaper. It’s been 14 weeks since we started.

Erica: Well, it seems like the January blahs have gotten to us. I have had zero motivation to work out this last week. On most occasions, my “get up and go” got up and went without me!

Terry:  I think part of that is that we seem to have hit a plateau.

E: I agree. It seems like we are still on track, but it is very hard to lose any weight at the moment. In fact, I gained weight the first week in January.

T: And then I gained weight the second week. Fortunately, that teamwork kicked in both times, and we have still not had a week where we have gained weight as a team. But our combined weight after week 13 was the same as it was on week 12. Now here we are on week 14 and we do have some weight loss to report.

E: We lost 2.6 pounds together. But it’s been a tough slog.

T: So our mission this week is to figure out how to break our weight loss plateau.

E: I hope that doesn’t mean I have to start running, you know how I feel about running!

T: No. The solution is worse than that. We might actually have to start paying attention to our calorie intake.

E: Oh dear. Suddenly running doesn’t sound quite so bad.

T: Personally, I have consumed a little bit of chocolate in the past couple of weeks. And when you think about that, if there are  80 calories in a piece of chocolate and I had a piece of chocolate every night for a week….

E: Are you saying you have had chocolate every night?

T: Well, there was a lot brought into the house at Christmas, and there doesn’t appear to be much left.

E: I had some of it. And I’m guessing eggnog will not be a part of our New Year’s diet.

T: At least we are still doing our regular workouts.

E: There was a bit of competition for the cardio machines at the beginning of January. But it looks like a lot of New Year’s resolutions might have already been broken. It was much quieter at the gym this week!

T: Yes. And a good thing too considering one of the two treadmills has been out of service for two weeks now.

E: I wonder if they will consider giving us credit on our memberships?

T: That’s unlikely. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes this week. Friday’s weigh-in is our halfway point. We have lost 35.6 pounds in the first 14 weeks. It would be really nice to get to 40 by the halfway point.

E: That will take a little bit more than not eating chocolate.

T: Yes. I don’t think a 4.4 pound weight-loss week is in the cards for us, but we will be grateful for any weight loss at this point.

E: We are also interested in how you broke your plateau. If you have a story, email us at farrell60in60@gmail.com

T&E: That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading.





Comox Valley Record