60 in 60 blog, Week 19

Oh, dear

The following is our latest blog entry to our 60 in 60 challenge. For those of you who missed our October column (see bit.ly/1LqaMVq) Erica and I have embarked on a journey to lose 60 pounds (combined) in 60 weeks (combined). We have weekly online updates and monthly submissions into the Record newspaper. It’s been 19 weeks since we started.

Erica: Oh dear.

Terry: That doesn’t sound like a good way to start a column.

E: There are many ways we could start this column. But really, oh dear!

T: Yes. I guess I agree. We had another first. But this isn’t a good first.

E: I know. For the first time since we started this, we both gained weight. A total of 2.2 pounds between us. The scale was not our friend this week.

T: Well, it was bound to happen. And, when you look at what the last week entailed, it’s not a big surprise.

E: I suppose so. It started last weekend with a big birthday celebration.

T: Yes, the kind of birthday celebration that lasts two and a half days.

E: Those were some good meals!

T: By the way, happy birthday, Bro.

E: But the real kicker was a mid-week visit from some old friends.

T: Adam, from Kitchener, and Aaron, from Nanaimo, both of whom I worked with in Grande Prairie stayed at Chez Farrell on Wednesday… which of course lead to a mid-week Sunday-sized meal and the extremely rare (and by rare I mean the first time since we started this) midweek cocktails. But even with all that, I was confident that I would have lost weight. I had some good workouts, but clearly our calorie intakes outdid our exercise.

E: On a positive note the gym is getting less and less crowded. It was full on Tuesday but on Thursday we had it to ourselves.

T: We do get a little carried away with self-entertainment when no one else is around, don’t we.

E: Shh! This is a family blog. At least, I think it is.

T: Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, I know what you mean.

E: Anyway, they don’t need to know about our incredibly bad singing… let’s get back on topic. This weight gain is nothing to be concerned about. We made a conscious decision to enjoy ourselves last week.

T: Thank goodness that lifestyle is now the exception rather than the norm.

E: Yes. I see how we gained the weight we did before we started this.

T: I don’t believe I left the table very often without having seconds.

E: Well, you don’t pass up birthday cake, smoked ribs, lasagna, bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin, coconut cream pie, or Tiramisu layer cake.

T: You forgot the Dungeness crab.

E: Wow! We were really bad. We actually did pretty well to only gain 2.2 pounds!

T: We should be proud. Way to go, Babe!

E: I don’t feel particularly proud.

T: I feel awesome.

E: It would feel even more awesome if we dropped all of that and then some next week.

T: True, but this entire experiment is about full disclosure. Anyway, treadmill here we come.

E: And bakery, here we don’t. How do you like your water and crackers, Babe?

T: I’m guessing with whipped cream is not an option?

E: Oh dear.

T&E: Until next week, hopefully with better news.







Comox Valley Record