60 in 60 blog, Week 6

Wardrobe malfunctions and another one joins the Nation

Terry Farrell

Record staff


The following is our latest blog entry to our 60 in 60 challenge. For those of you who missed our October column (see bit.ly/1LqaMVq) Erica and I have embarked on a journey to lose 60 pounds (combined) in 60 weeks (combined). We have weekly online updates and monthly submissions into the Record newspaper. It’s been 6 weeks since we started.


Terry: I’m starting to really look forward to Friday mornings.

Erica: Ah yes. Weigh-in day. Last week wasn’t so good for me. I hadn’t lost any weight at all.

T: It depends how you look at things. At least now you know what you have to do to stay at the same weight. As I recall, it wasn’t much.

E: Ha ha, give me a break. It was my birthday. And being that I’m so hip, I know that kids these days celebrate for a whole week. So that’s what I did.

T: Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s not like you ate cheese and chocolate for seven days. You just didn’t spend as much time at the gym. But you made up for it this week.

E: The first time back at the gym after that break was hard. But then I was able to add some swimming to my regular routine and now I feel I’m back on track.

T: Well, I was a little disappointed, to be honest. Not in you, but in my results. I thought I worked hard enough for both of us last week, then when we weighed in, I had only lost a pound. So it proved to be our least productive week as a team.

E: Well, this week was a different story. Today’s weigh in was very satisfying. We lost a total of 3.6 pounds in the last 7 days.

T: That gives us a running total of 21.4 pounds.

E: That’s not bad, in six weeks.

T: Not bad at all, but we sure were correct when we said that the easy pounds were the first to go. It’s taking a real commitment to stick with it.

E: I hear you almost had a wardrobe malfunction as a result of inches lost.

T: I’m surprised it took you this long to bring that up.

E: So… indulge our readers.

T: OK. On Wednesday I went trail running, and planned on going to the pool for a steam and a sauna after. So I packed my swim gear and an old pair of jeans and headed to the trails. After my pool visit I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. That’s when I first realized that my jeans felt a little baggy… and I didn’t have a belt.

E: What happened?

T: Well, when I was in the store, carrying the basket, I was OK, because I subtly held a loop of my jeans with my free hand. But once I had my groceries bagged and I needed both hands to carry them…

E: Oh dear.

T: Oh dear indeed. I got halfway to my car and I felt like a hip-hop artist. I had to put down my bags and hitch up my pants. They were nearly to my knees and would have been at my ankles before I got to the car.

E: Ha ha ha. Really?

T: Word.

E: Definitely time for some clothes shopping.

T: Even some of my work slacks are showing too much slack.

E: I hear another friend has joined the 60 in 60 Nation.

T: Yes. My golf partner, and co-worker, Peter. He has gotten into it in a big way.

E: What’s he doing?

T: He’s hired a personal trainer, doing cross-fit. Not sure what his weight goals are, but I know he’s going at it hard-core.

E: Good for him.

T: Rumour has it, there is at least one other person in the office about to get on board.

E: Who’s that?

T: I might be able to say by this time next week.

E: So, isn’t it graduation week again?

T: Yes. I will be starting 12-minute running cycles this week.  I will do three of those each time out. I’ll be back to a 30-minute run before I know it. I’ve noticed you have picked up the intensity in your workouts as well. I smiled when we finished on the treadmills yesterday and you said you were going to swim some lengths in the pool before going to the steam room. Good for you.

E: It’s still a struggle for me, but I’m doing it. I would still rather stay at home and read a book.

T: I will convert you, eventually.

E: Doubt it. Have you seen my book collection? But seriously, the reason I am enjoying this is because we are doing it together.

T: That is the nice thing about the treadmills. You can walk and I can run and we are side-by-side. And the steam room afterwards is always a pleasure.

E: Well, we found these pounds together. We ought to lose them together.

T: And we are.

T&E: See you next week!










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