60 in 60 blog, Week 7

Ginger Snaps, new music and hospital visits

Terry Farrell

Record staff


The following is our latest blog entry to our 60 in 60 challenge. For those of you who missed our October column (see bit.ly/1LqaMVq) Erica and I have embarked on a journey to lose 60 pounds (combined) in 60 weeks (combined). We have weekly online updates and monthly submissions in the Record newspaper. It’s been 7 weeks since we started.

Terry: Drum roll please!

Erica: I had a lovely moment on the scale this morning.

T: Yes…  mine wasn’t nearly as pleasant.

E: But we still combined to lose 2.2 pounds this week.

T: Mostly yours.

E: Fair is fair. It was mostly yours the week before. Our running total is now 23.6 pounds lost in 7 weeks.

T: Well, Ginger Snaps.

E: Watch your language.

T: No really, Ginger Snaps. That’s my excuse for not doing as well as you. I found the Ginger Snaps that Shaun and Sue put in your birthday basket for you.

E: But those were mine! Anyway, I thought you didn’t like Ginger Snaps.

T: Yes. So did I. I was wrong.

E: I think the best policy is not to have those kinds of things in the house.

T: Yes, well I took care of that for us.

E: How heroic of you. But we did work hard for our lost weight this week.

T: Yes. I ran more than 30 kilometres all told, and you found some new motivation to help with your workouts.

E: I did. Josh Groban and ABBA… and other assorted groups, thanks to a new MP3 player.

T: Yes, music does help make the workout easier.

E: The hard part is not singing out loud and sounding ridiculous.

T: Hmmm. I do remember having to turn my music up to drown out the yodelling on the treadmill next to me.

E: I was not yodelling. And anyway, at least my music does not land me in the Emergency ward.

T: I was wondering when you’d get to that.

E: In the interest of full disclosure, do tell.

T: Well, I ended up in the hospital after our last workout.

E: Ouch. Ankle? Knee? Back?

T: Ear.

E: Ear? Ha ha ha.

T: Yes. My earbud foamy thingy became lodged in my ear canal. I didn’t even notice it until I was towelling off, after the sauna, steam and shower.

E: Aha. Your earbud became a BFF with your ear.

T: Ha ha ha.

E: I think you made the doctor’s day, with that assignment. He couldn’t help laughing.

T: Back to business. This week will be another challenge. I have a Grey Cup party to get through.

E: And I am in Alberta visiting friends and family. But I did bring my gym gear with me.

T: And your Groban and ABBA, I presume.

E: Of course. Now all I have to is convince myself to go to the gym all by myself.

T: I’m sure you’ll do fine. We have a pact, after all.

E: Right. And a weigh-in, when I return.

T&E: That’s all for this week folks. Hope your journey is going as well as ours is.




Comox Valley Record