9/11 explanation needs to be revisited

Architects and engineers rally to promote reopening of 9/11 investigation

The blue-and-orange billboard beside the Pat Bay Highway is part of a world-wide advertising campaign by an association of 2,000 architects and engineers called A&E for 9/11 Truth.

The campaign is endorsed by more than 100 family members of 9/11 victims, who invite us to rethink 9/11 and understand that a third tower, World Trade Centre 7, fell that day in 2001.

The official explanation for its collapse, that it was weakened by falling debris from the Twin Towers and that raging office fires caused its massive steel framework to fail, is contradicted by photo and video evidence.

Tower 7 sustained relatively light damage and its fires never grew hot enough to melt steel. Towers 5 and 6, which also burned, were closer to the Twin Towers and pummelled by falling debris, yet their steel frameworks remained standing.

During Tower 7’s collapse, characteristics of a controlled demolition were plainly evident. The tower fell straight down into its own footprint, at free-fall acceleration, meaning that all its supporting structure was severed almost simultaneously.

In the dust and debris, scientists found residue of the type of explosives and incendiaries used in controlled demolitions because they rapidly melt steel. This explains reports by firemen and first responders that they saw molten metal “flowing like lava.”

Setting up a controlled demolition for such a massive building requires a team of experts with prolonged access.

Given that Tower 7 – which housed the CIA, U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Defence – was one of the most secure buildings in New York City, it is highly unlikely that a team from a foreign country managed to breach its security.

This raises disturbing questions: Who set WTC-7 up for demolition? And why?

Further, it supports the evidence that WTC Towers 1 and 2 were also brought down by controlled demolition.

A new documentary from Massimo Mazzucco called September 11 – The New Pearl Harbour (http://bit.ly/16eiOz8),  provides new evidence that the official account of 9/11 violates the laws of physics and is therefore impossible.

The official narrative is so flawed it raises serious doubts as to the legitimacy of the supposed war on terror it spawned against Middle East nations, with Syria now threatened to be next.

A valid investigation is still possible and needed to reveal the truth.

Brian Burchill

Oak Bay

Victoria News