family column

family column

A burst of artistic energy

A family column for the 100 Mile Free Press

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a Cariboo Tales column and this may well be the very last one.

Since my last column, a lot has happened; I’ve accepted another job, my youngest has started walking and it looks as though it’s a possibility that my entire family will live back in B.C. at some point but most of all, my oldest has become a lot sassier and, if possible, has started lying even more.

The other day we walked into a store looking for a mountain bike for myself, which we did not succeed on, and the three-year-old walked straight up to the salesperson and told her, “I’m here to buy a bike with pedals.”

On another occasion, we heard crunching in the morning. My wife went to check out what was going on. Coming into the living room she asked him if he was eating chips for breakfast. He said no (a clear lie) and after she asked him what he was eating, he replied “crunchy salad.”

Recently, he’s been going around saying he’s a Yeti. The only thing Yetis eat, apparently, is Yeti spaghetti. This is further complicated by the fact that he doesn’t like tomatoes, so no tomato sauce or onions or anything on his spaghetti. In order to appease him, and actually make him eat something, my wife put some green food colouring on his spaghetti one day (he went from a kid who would eat anything and everything to a kid who, currently, need to be tricked into eating anything).

He absolutely loves his green Yeti spaghetti. It’s not been a regular dinner for him, usually we try to get some veggies or fruit in, but sometimes just having him eat something is a “win.”

After the first time, my wife let him pick what colour spaghetti he would like. What this has really meant is that he knows where the food colouring is.

The other day I was at work and received a new video message from her with the first words being “what have you done?”

She’d been putting the youngest down for a nap at which point he had run into the kitchen and took out the food colouring. He put some nice colours on the kitchen floor, the dining room floor, the living room floor and the couch to make it “pretty like a rainbow.”

I guess with less driving time, I’ll be there to witness his artistic inspiration in person more often.

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100 Mile House Free Press